I can only comment as it relates to the association(s) that I have been affiliated with.
None of these associations have fullfilled their obligations to its members.
For example - Association(s) being devoid of information pertaining to sports officials mandated by state law. The timeliness; and, accuracy of information disseminated. i.e. advising members that certain league playing rules were still in effect, when in fact the rules had been changed; and, not aware of other rules updates. Advising members of uniform changes, which were not acccurate. Instructing members on rules inapproprate for a particular league, i.e. the use of certain OBR or Fed rules in Babe Ruth or Little League, etc!
Incompetence abounds at many levels!
My grandpappy said to me many years ago:
He used to like to call me Sonny, much as I disliked it.
"Sonny" he'd say,
"if you are smart, you won't ever walk to close behind the cows when you bring them home..."
"and another thing Sonny",
ya see that Bull, over yonder?"
"well, he can see you too!"
and by the way - I rarely have a night from April through August that I do not have an assignment, and complete it! What I get is what I work, one game is as important as the next.....
I do have a "lot" of respect for the assignors, and give them all the assistance I can give!
[Edited by Rog on Dec 6th, 2001 at 03:41 PM]