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Old Wed Feb 01, 2006, 05:08pm
bkbjones bkbjones is offline
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Re: Remember

Originally posted by booker227
I disagree.
If an errant throw takes the fielder into the path of the runner, you have a train wreck, but not obstruction by the defense nor interference by the offense.
Possession by the fielder at the time of the wreck is an out. No possesion by the fielder at the same time is not an out. The runner attempting to get out of the way of the train wreck is not an empediment manifested by the fielder, but an attempt to get around the wreck. Let them play.
If that fielder doesn't have the ball you have obstruction bigger than Dallas.

Some coaches are under the impression this is not obstruction. Last fall I called it on a play much like this. Last words of the coach were, "Well, that is a bull$hit call and You are a bull$hit umpire."

While that opinion may be debatable, we weren't having that debate on that afternoon on that diamond.

If the fielder does not possess the ball – fully, completely possess it – it's obstruction.
An ucking fidiot
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