It's simple economics.
If I can find a Tank Top I like for $5.99, I'm not going to pay $8.99 for it. If I CAN'T find one I like for $5.99, I might have to pay $8.99 for it - it becomes a matter of choices - do I need the $8.99 Tank or whatever else I might spend 9 bucks on more.
Same thing here. The availability of workers is greater than the demand for those workers. If they find that they cannot find people to umpire for them for the wages they are ready to pay, they would be forced to pay more. Problem is... there are PLENTY of people who would willingly and happily work these games, at the rate and benefits currently in place.
The market finds it's own level. Ticket prices go up because people WILL pay them. Wages only go up if you cannot find suitable workers for the salaries you're willing to pay.
"Many baseball fans look upon an umpire as a sort of necessary evil to the luxury of baseball, like the odor that follows an automobile." - Hall of Fame Pitcher Christy Mathewson