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Old Mon Jan 30, 2006, 05:43pm
officialtony officialtony is offline
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Location: Sheffield Lake, Ohio
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Question Stalling while pinning??????

If you call stalling on a wrestler who has his opponent in a pinning combination and has earned his 3 point near fall, be prepared to face the wrath of a coach AND defend your call with some kind of rationale. Based on rules book interpretation, you would have to stop the match to award the stalling warning/penalty. Are you prepared to explain that you have taken a wrestlers ability to pin away from him becuase you think he isn't working hard enough?? Do you know what a coach will be doing the minute you make that call? Be prepared to also issue a coaches misconduct because he is going to question your judgment on this one - probably in a very nasty manner. I just can't possibly see where calling stalling here makes ANY sense. You must make that call if you feel it to be true. However, I might look at unsportsmanlike conduct on the top man instead of stalling. Under the guise he is trying to humiliate his opponent by casually pinning him. Again, I just don't see any sense in a stalling call here. If you do, good luck in selling it!!
Tony Smerk
OHSAA Certified
Class 1 Official
Sheffield Lake, Ohio
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