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Old Mon Jan 30, 2006, 10:17am
Ref-X Ref-X is offline
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Originally posted by JRutledge
Originally posted by TravelinMan
I also am confused by this statement. Best ball is often played in the "inner city", leastwise where I grew up (NYC). Ergo best teams. Black officials get to work games with best is that a setback to their career?
I cannot speak for this area. I can tell you working in the inner-city is not always what it is cracked up to be. It is also a misconception to think the best ball is player there. Here many of the best teams are in the suburbs. So if you are only working in one area, you can get lost out there. Officials is more than just working the best ball, it is being seen by the right people. If the right people are not working in the inner city, that can be a major setback if you ask me.

This is what I am trying to say, when I say exposure. How can an official work state tournament game or any other high profile games if no one ever comes to see you work? Yes there may be some good basketball in the inner city, but the most of these schools are in places where many non-black officials do not want to go. So the assigners are saying let these officials deal with working games in the HOOD. While the non-black officials are working the big games, at the top schools, in front of big crows. There needs to be more balance.
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