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Old Sun Jan 29, 2006, 03:47pm
lmeadski lmeadski is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Michigan
Posts: 271
I am hearing a fair amount of debate recently, and a number of refs calling differently, what is a legal picking stance. The debate isn't about their feet or hips, it is arm placement. some say the arms have to be down at their sides. Others allow the picker's fists up ON their chest, elbows extended (looks like a football blocking stance), still others allow the blocking position with hands a bit extended from the chest. IF the player did not move their feet during the pick, which of the above 3 positions would cause you to call a foul for an illegaly set pick? And what about "leaning into" the pick (which can be construed as bracing for impact or gaining advantage).
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