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Old Sun Jan 29, 2006, 02:54pm
jbduke jbduke is offline
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Re: Even though I know I should resist I can't

Originally posted by WeekendRef
JRut ,
You say some strange things so I just want to make sure I understand what you just wrote correctly .
1) Are you saying (In so many words)that the people that assign the "many conferences" in your area will not hire someone unless they are better / work harder and prove themselves first ??

or are you saying :

2) The people that assign the "many conferences" are all racist and will not hire a black /hispanic unless they have no choice .

If you were trying to say the former then I say congratulations to the assignors for wanting to hire officials that are better, have worked longer and proved themselves .
If you are trying to say the latter then you are really really making a strong statement by essentially calling all the assignors in those "many conferences" racist . That is quite a statement for one to make .
I will not even dignify the whole white people (Sorry someone who is not Black /hispanic) can bring a friend and nobody cares at all comment because that is just ignorant......oh yeah I forgot I am not from your area so what would I know .
Your area must be a real interesting place .
Sorry for the venom in this response but I just found your comments really insulting..... and I still can't figure out why .
You're right: you should have resisted, and I'm calling you out on it. You projected a false dichotomy onto Rut's argument, one that is so outlandish that it seems that you intentionally misread his post. He's already clarified himself for you (and FWIW, I don't think that anyone else needed his words clarified), so I won't do that for him.

What I will do is express my great frustration with you on this matter. The header to your post said a lot about you and what you think about Rut, and what reasonable people might believe you think about lots of other things. Look, I've had my fair share of run-ins with Rut around here, and I admit to reading his posts with a more critical eye than I read those of many others. That does not mean, however, that I go into those readings with the idea that Rut is an idiot and that my job is to shout that to the world. You seem, on the other hand, not only to read Rut's posts critically, but to view them as an opportunity--if not a call--to jump on his head with both feet, no matter how ill-considered your own ideas.

Have you never heard a member of a minority group speaking of the necessity of working harder to get the same opportunities, rewards, etc? If you have, are you so incomprehensibly blind, naive,or provincial as to believe that this is never the case? This notion is all that Rut was talking about. Not exactly the stuff of radicals.

I earnestly suggest you explore and act on one of three possibilities: 1) apologize to Rut for your woefully myopic and belligerent reading of his post and cut him a wee bit of slack on future readings of his posts, or 2) apologize to Rut for your woefully myopic and belligerent reading of his post and stop responding to his posts, or 3) apologize to Rut for your woefully myopic and belligerent reading of his post and stop reading anything he posts.

PS: if your woefully myopic and belligerent misreading of Rut's post was not indeed intentional, I refer you again to the above suggestions.
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