Hey guys had a 7th grade boys game. Both teams really bad and trying to play a type of game they were not skilled enough to play. To make a long story short in the early part of the game, the ball was loose on the floor alot and guys were flying everywhere. To make matters worse their was lots of contact everywhere however very few fouls. The away coach was on us for this and i told him that contact does not = foul. Well he called a time out and begins talking with the home coach. I came over and said coaches talk to your team. They both then said lets talk. My first mistake but me and my partner lisented to them because they were polite about it. But the away coach said " I don't care about the game I just want to make sure my players stay safe, so can you please slow the game down" I shoulda said well coach then just forfit. But i said coach it is your job to have your players play under control. Well the game went on and the coaches continued to get on us about this since they game wasnt getting any cleaner. At half time me and my partner talked. We decided to retell the coach we are only going to call a foul if their is a foul. After we did that we called the captains over and said " Guys your coachs are made that this game is so physical, since they rn't doing anything it about if you want your coachs to be happy talk to your team and tell them to calm it down. Well that didn't help and the game was physical. What else could we have done? I think we did a good job handling it. Any critics?