Originally posted by PeteBooth
Jim, the point I'm getting at with all of this is: I am not going to cause my assignor any inconvenience concerning things under my direct control It's not like I'm calling up the assignor and saying "Hey Joe I can't do the game for you tomorrow because a bunch of us are going to the track".
Family and work problems are sometimes out of my control and if you are asking me to choose a game assignment over Family and work well that IMO makes me flabbergasted.
Certainly, things happen unexpectedly. But you've got to realize that there are many umpires out there who want to work high school baseball so badly that they make promises they cannot keep.
One game gets turned back when your daughter goes into the hospital to have her tonsils removed. That is unexpected and understandable. But when your daughter has her tonsils out for this game, your dog needs to be spayed for the next game, your boss won't let you out early for another game, your wife wants you to celebrate your anniversary for another game - then there's a problem.
That happens a lot, Pete. And it's impossible for an assignor to tell whether he's got a slacker or a guy with unbelievably bad luck. In any event, when you turn back more than 3-4 assignments in a season, that's the time to say to your assginor, "I cannot make the commitment you require of me," and hang up your high school plate shoes.
Umpiring at the high school level and above is a part time job, not a hobby. It needs to be treated that way.
I dont have any problems during the Summer / Fall ball season.
Umpiring summer ball is different because games are played after 5pm, when work commitments are not an issue.
Ok Jim on to the next topic. BTW, when are you going to repost your essay on Relaxed vs. Unrelaxed action
Well, with 4 more parts to the Rick Roder interview still to come on eUmpire.com, I think I'll let him address that topic.