Originally posted by JeffRef
Let's take this to an even higher level of improbability...
So B1 violates and A calls time out. So we know that A1 gets a substitute throw if he misses. Before the ball becomes live for A1's first throw, A2 is assesed with a direct tecnical foul. After B shoots two free throws, they decide they want a time out. I could go on with other interruptions but you see where I'm going with this, right? It could be 5 minutes before A1 gets to shoot his original free throw. He misses. We give him a substitute throw. Coach B wants an explanation: "Sure coach, don't you remember 5 minutes ago when your player violated on A1's free throw and then he called a time out instead of taking the free throw?"
Jamie, maybe this will be on next year's test. And yes it is "double secret probation"
Look at it this way.I don't think anything can come between you having to call the delayed B1 violation and awarding a substitute throw if the FT is missed,except an A violation of some kind on the FT.Time lapse doesn't matter.
[Edited by Jurassic Referee on Dec 5th, 2001 at 02:14 PM]