Thu Jan 26, 2006, 03:34pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 1999
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Originally posted by refTN
Originally posted by TriggerMN
Originally posted by refTN
Fox 40 CMG. No lanyard preferable(only wear one if supervisor says so). Carry an extra one in my pocket for possession.
No, no, no!!! 
As many an assignor has said, "If you switch a whistle from pocket to pocket for possession, you will never work in my league."
Keep possession in your head!! Use scorer's table as a backup. I was watching a game earlier this year where there was a jump ball called, BOTH officials looked to the table, and in the meantime, A1 kicked B1 while she was on the floor.
My mentors do it so it is good enough for me and plus I don't have a great brain either.
FWIW, I would guess that most, if not all, SEC and NBA officials do not use this "mechanic."