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Old Thu Jan 26, 2006, 02:22am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Big O,
The NCAA rule is indeed different. It is NOT a violation merely to run OOB as it is in HS. The player must also be the first player to touch the ball once he returns to the court.

For example, if A1 is holding the ball and A2 runs OOB and then comes back in. If A1 passes the ball to A2, a violation has been committed.

However, if A1 first passes the ball to A3, after A2 has reentered the court, and then A3 makes a pass to A2, that is legal.

Here is the text:

Section 4. Player Out of Bounds
Art. 1. A player who steps out of bounds under his/her own volition and then becomes the first player to touch the ball after returning to the playing court has committed a violation.
a. A violation has not been committed when a player, who steps out of bounds as permitted by Rule 7-5.8.a, does not receive the pass along the endline by a teammate and is the first to touch the ball after his or her return to the playing court.

A.R. 13. Team A sets a double screen for A1, who, in attempting to come across the freethrow lane, is legally obstructed by offensive and defensive players so that A1 leaves the playing court under the basket, circles around, returns to the playing court and then is the first to receive the ball. RULING: A violation has been committed by A1 for leaving the playing court and then becomes the first player to touch the ball upon return.