Last night in a girls varsity game. the guy that I am working with calls a foul late in the game; goes to report it and then returns to shoot the free throws. Next foul is also called by my partner: he reports it and the table calls him over and they talk.... then he calls me over to the table and they let me know that the 2nd to last foul was the girls 5th... and the last foul was also the girls 5th foul {same team but diff. girls}. I then let the coach know what was going on and that both girls needed to be replaced. No questions asked the coach went on to replace both girls very quickly and we finished the game fine. On my way home I was thinking... What if the coach had asked for 60 seconds to replace the players {30 for each disqualified player}. Does anyone have an answer???? I hope this will never ever happen again.. The scores table did a great job all night exept on this play. We can all learn from eachothers experiences although I do know that this should have never happened. ANY ANSWERS????