Scenario #1: If you felt like you called the pitch too quickly, then in all likelihood you probably called it way too quickly. One of the things that is really hard to do as a rookie is to slow your timing down on any call. But, the good thing is you already recognize this. Call the game at the pace you feel most comfortable with, letting all action cease completely before you make your call. For example, watch the pitch all the way into the catcher's glove, the pause, and make your call.
Scenario #2: Again, your instincts are correct as far as your confidence goes. You should have followed your gut instinct on this call. If the call is yours, then it is yours and yours alone to make. If you ask your partner for help, then listen to what they say. However, your partner should never offer unsolicited advice, which it seems that this one did. (A coach requesting him to come to you is wrong, and your partner should have simply answered with something along the lines of "not my call coach.") It sounds to me like you really feel that you had nailed the call with your initial safe call. So why change it?
The longer you stick with this, the more you will develop your confindence. Just remember all of this ten years down the road when you are working with some rookie who is rushing his calls and lacking confidence!