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Old Tue Dec 04, 2001, 10:57am
Bfair Bfair is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 813
I think the important thing is to speak to your assignor(s) at the onset and discuss your commitment to him. Let him know your situation with work, family, and other leagues. Find out what days he "needs" you the most, and try to work with him. Attempt to best keep your commitment to him.

Maintaining your availability "as agreed" is a key to your integrity in accepting assignments. Your assignor is likely planning on having you available. You should also expect him to use you if you've left those slots open. If it doesn't occur, there needs to be further discussion.

If you are not going to be available based on your pre-arrangements, provide as much notice as possible telling him why. If you desire to take a "high profile" game for someone else that infringes on your agreements, talk to your assignor, let him know he comes first, but you appreciate his working with you to help you accept the opportunity presented. You should be able to discuss this whether on advance or short notice. In all likelihood, your assignor is or has been an umpire and knows the personal compliment and advancement opportunity of doing "high profile" games. If you have shown you will make the extra effort to help him under special conditions, expect him to reciprocate.

Never lie to your assignor, even if providing him enough notice that you feel he'll not be in a jam. Once caught in a lie, the trust for the future is tarnished. That will impact your relationship and assignments.

Finally, there are assignors out there with the attitude of 'you either work for me when I want you, or you don't work for me at all.' If you have one like that you are forced to make a choice. With other alternatives available, usually your best choice doesn't include him.
It's best to have an open, fair relationship to attempt to meet the needs of both under normal and special conditions.

Just my opinion,

(an assignor)

[Edited by Bfair on Dec 4th, 2001 at 10:03 AM]
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