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Old Mon Jan 23, 2006, 03:17am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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I hope that this is a joke post because your partner really screwed this up.

There is no provision for calling a technical foul for wearing an illegal headband or wristband.
The player simply must remove the illegal attire.

It is not explicitly stated that the player even has to leave the game. The situation is most similar to the player detected wearing jewelry. According to A.R. 23 below that player must immediately remove the item OR leave the game and then remove it before returning. There is no technical foul charged. Note that a player does have to leave to remove illegal undergarments per A.R. 20.

Rule 3, Sec. 5, Art. 15. Headbands that are non-abrasive, unadorned, single-colored (similar to the dominant color of the game jersey) and not wider than 2 inches are permissible.
a. Headbands made of cloth, elastic, fiber, soft leather, pliable plastic or rubber are legal.
b. One manufacturer’s logo or one institutional logo/mascot which shall meet the restrictions of Rule 3-6 is permitted.
Art. 16. Wristbands no wider than 2 inches made of single-color cloth similar to the dominant color of the game jersey and unadorned (except for one manufacturer’s logo or one institutional logo/mascot, which shall meet the size restrictions of Rule 3-6) are legal.
A.R. 21. Substitute A6 attempts to enter the playing court with a headband or wristband that is not in compliance with the single, dominant color of the game jersey.
RULING: Substitute A7 shall not be permitted to enter the game before either wearing the appropriate head band or wristband or removing them.

A.R. 20. May a player remain in the game after being assessed an indirect technical foul for wearing an illegal undershirt or undergarment? RULING: Similar to the rule regarding jewelry, illegal undershirts or undergarments shall not be worn. The player shall leave the game and remove the illegal apparel; however, no technical foul shall be assessed.

Rule 3, Sec. 7, Art. 7. Head decorations, head wear and jewelry are illegal.

A.R. 22. Substitute A6 attempts to enter the playing court wearing jewelry, an illegal headpiece or hat.
RULING: Substitute A6 shall not be permitted to enter before removing the jewelry, illegal headpiece or hat. A6 cannot “buy” his or her way into the game and the right to wear the illegal jewelry, illegal headpiece or hat by being charged with an indirect technical foul.

A.R. 23. Player A5 is found to be wearing jewelry. RULING: At the first dead ball, A5 shall be required to remove the jewelry immediately or be required to leave the game and not return until after removing the jewelry. A5 cannot “buy” the right to wear the jewelry by being charged with an indirect technical foul.

It seems to me that your partner should actually learn those rules that he wishes the teams to learn from him. Here's a good one for him to start with, since he obviously failed to do this in that game:

Section 7. The Referee—Pregame Duties
Before the game starts, the referee shall:
Art. 1. Inspect and approve all players’ uniforms, all equipment, including playing court, baskets, ball, backboards, and timers’/scorers’ signals.

BTW did this occur with 1/10th of a second (0.1) or TEN (10) seconds left?

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