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Old Sun Jan 22, 2006, 03:29am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally posted by coach41
Thanks guys, actually you are right, the game I was working was going 7 Minute Quarters. Technically, the coach was right that the OT period should have been set ORIGINALLY to 3 MINUTES instead of 5 Minutes.
If that was the case then you STILL did the right thing, but for the wrong reason. Also the coach was still incorrect.
As I wrote above, for 7 minute quarters, you should play extra periods that are 3 minutes AND 30 SECONDS in length. That is half of the regulation quarter.

So when you discovered the mistake at the 3:27 mark, you are just barely below the threshold and should leave the clock alone and continue the game per the case book play.

Again you handled it correctly by luck!
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