Hey all,
As I started the thread, I guess I can "somewhat" end it. HEH.
Well, it's been over a week since I ref'ed that girls varsity game. My schedule was actually very light this week, until friday night (see my "overtime clock snafu thread" for more details).
In any case, I'd have to say I still have a lot to learn about "reffing the defense" or "reffing the matchups" or whatever term folks want to use.
As I had a few 7th/8th grade games in addition to my high school game, I worked on trying different things this weekend.
I'm afraid I did fall into the dreaded "tunnel vision" problem as I focused so hard on the defense that I occasionally didn't get clean looks at what the offensive team was doing. While I think my peripheral vision is decent, I think I don't quite trust myself enough to try and watch the offensive team/ball peripherally. I noticed I seem to get back into the habit of watching the ball when a player is driving to the basket.
In any case, thanks for the comments. I'll keep working on this and see what I can learn about myself.