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Old Tue Dec 04, 2001, 01:18am
rainmaker rainmaker is offline
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Originally posted by Mark Padgett
Two minutes in, there were 3 fouls on A and 1 on B. He calls another foul on B and the B coach yells, "Call it both ways"!!! The guy and his assistant wouldn't let up. Josh and his partner both warned each of them separately, but the hits just kept on coming. Finally, Josh T's the asst. The head coach goes nuts and Josh T's him, too. Then the asst. rushes him and gets in his face. Bang number two. Then, before they can tell the head he is gone due to a total of 3 direct and indirect, the head starts swearing at both officials. Bang number two redux, just for fun (although I'm not sure this was legal, but maybe it was because he had not yet been notified he was gone). Fortunately, there was another assistant on the bench who was relatively well behaved and he took over the team.

Team A shot 8 free throws, made 6 and won by about 15. The two ejected coaches complained to the tournament administrator who told them he saw the whole thing and that they need to learn to "shut up."

Also BTW - Coach A told Josh at halftime that about twenty seconds before the first T, he had mentioned to his assistant that he doubted that head Coach B would last until the half. He was right.

Man - I wish I hadn't switched games. I would have loved to have dealt with those guys.
Yea, but doesn't it feel good to see that little acorn land right there so close to the tree!?!?!
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