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Old Sat Jan 21, 2006, 04:52am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Good situation. Glad you took the time to look it up and learn it cold. You will never forget it.

I'll just add that since you worked the jv game prior to the varsity game, the coach may have been correct that OT should have been 3 minutes. It depends upon how long your quarters are. If your quarters are 8 minutes then you would have 4 minute extra periods, but if you use 6 minute quarters at the sub varsity level in your area, then you should have been playing a 3 minute OTs. (if 7 minute quarters, then OT = 3:30).

If that was the case then you would adjust the clock down from 3:27 to 3:00 and continue.

Here are the rule citations for you:

5-7-3 . . . The length of each extra period shall be four minutes (or half the time of a regulation quarter for non-varsity contests). As many such periods as are necessary to break the tie shall be played. Extra periods are an extension of the fourth quarter.

5.7.3 SITUATION: Following a violation in the first extra period, the timer beckons the referee to the table. The timer informs the referee that by mistake the period started with: (a) more; or (b) less than four minutes on the clock. RULING: In (a), if the mistake is discovered before the clock reaches four minutes, the clock shall be set at four minutes and play resumes. If discovered after reaching four minutes, no correction is allowed. In (b), the appropriate amount of time shall be added to reflect a four-minute period. (2-5-5)
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