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Old Thu Jan 19, 2006, 11:37am
rockyroad rockyroad is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2000
Location: Vancouver, WA
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OK...I'll try one more time. Now I know I'm just a lowly Women's side ref, but here's the deal: "Ref the defense" is the broad, over-all picture..."ref the match-up" is the smaller brushstrokes that make up the picture...or here's another one: "ref the match-ups" is the individual puzzle pieces in our little jigsaw, while "ref the defense" is the picture on the box that we look at to know what we are putting together.

And as far as what levels I work - who cares?? What difference does it make. Some of the best posters on this board don't work anything above HS ball...some of the worst do work higher. Who cares? The only problem is when someone throws out another's opinions because they only work at this level or that level...
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