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Old Wed Jan 18, 2006, 05:48pm
Andy Andy is offline
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Originally posted by CecilOne
How about posting this on the NFHS Forum, as well? [/QUOTE]

Good idea, Cecil. I will do that.

In the meantime, I also posed this question to Emily Alexander, who sits on the NFHS Softball Committee. Here is her response:

It used to be that the confines of field were within the fence - all fair and foul territory but not non-playable territory like an off-to-the-side batting cage, bullpen or the like.

Casebook play 1.7.3 seems to challenge that thinking. If players cannot be outside the confines but it is okay to be along the fence outside the field warming up then is along the fence within the confines.

My guess is casebook play 1.7.3 should say: cannot be outside the dugout except for legitimate warming up areas (or something like that).

I will try to get a letter off to NFHS for a clarification. In the meantime, instruct the umpires to require the proper equipment inside the fence and inform the coach for violations outside the fence.

I will post any follow-up I receive.
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