Thread: "Automatic" T?
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Old Wed Jan 18, 2006, 03:47pm
JRutledge JRutledge is online now
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Originally posted by BayStateRef
It was probably 10 feet high -- maybe even 12 feet.. But for exactly the reasons Jeffpea cites, I passed. This was not directed at the call or any player. It was clearly in reaction to the pain. And since I was not the calling official (who also saw the entire situation), I was not going to step in if my partner did not feel a T was warranted.

My usual "standard" is that you can bounce the ball as hard as you want, but if it bounces above your shoulder, then it is a T. And I really like Mick's advice to get in there right away on a hard foul. This happened quickly during a rebound and while the call was made promptly, neither of us reacted immediately to the hard contact. Will file that good advice away.
That is why you get paid the big bucks. You were there, we were not. All we can do is image what we think you saw and come to our own conclusion.

I called a T on a player that slammed the ball and it did not go high at all. The reason he was called for a T because he had been warned about his behavior earlier in the game and reacted inappropriately. The kid later apologized to me directly after he entered the game. No one said a word. I think using absolutes do not help officials in any way. You saw the play and made a judgment. If you could not make that judgment you would not be on the game. I now the "Grand Puba" thinks otherwise but you did what you felt was best, that is good enough for me. This is totally a judgment call.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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