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Old Wed Jan 18, 2006, 11:51am
tomegun tomegun is offline
Huck Finn
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Las Vegas
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Downtown, I would suspect that the offense gets away with various violations and offensive (player-control) fouls. Right now, your gut reaction is to probably disagree with that assesment immediately and say, "no, I get those calls too." If they don't then, my friend, you are refereeing the matchup whether you want to call it that or not. In the big scheme of things, doesn't it make more sense to call something what it actually is? What is the best way to describe watching two players and make sure neither one of them does anything (violations and fouls) illegal? If someone can come up with something that accurately describes this and isn't two or three sentences, I'm all ears. But, referee the defense does not give as accurate a definition as referee the matchup. I don't mean anything in this post to get into a back and forth. I'm just of the opinion that referee the defense isn't the most simple and accurate term to describe what we do when we... referee the matchup!
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