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Old Sun Dec 02, 2001, 04:27pm
Oz Referee Oz Referee is offline
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Re: Question?

Originally posted by JeffRef
Originally posted by Oz Referee
One of my personal favourites was the coach several years ago who had been warned on several occasions to sit down and keep it shut.

There is less that 1 minute to go, his team is up by 2 and his star player gets his fifth foul with a charge (my partner called it, but from where I was it was a good one). The coach goes balastic that "we" have fouled his player out. The F word flies along with a few other nicities.

I'm the trail and standing in front of his bench, so I immediately toss him. His reaction, and I quote: "You can't toss me, I've only got one T, you have to get 2 before you are ejected."

So he promptly gets his second from me, the other team hits 3 out of the 4 free throws and then scores a 3 after being given possession.

The other team ended up winning by 5. poetic justice
Duane, assuming you were reffing FIBA rules...Upon tossing the coach you are calling a "Disqualifying" foul (not a "T") which results in an ejection and 2 plus the ball. The coach is now now longer part of the contest. You're second foul ("T")is not possible and therefore you only shoot 2 shots and give possession to Team B. Why did they shoot 4 shots?
You know that. I know that. The coach didn't. All he knew was that 2 T's was an automatic ejection, and he thought that was the only way he could get tossed. So I was happy to oblige him and call two T's rather than the one Disqaulifying foul.

On the same point - even if I had Dq'd him, if he continues swearing as he is leaving the court, can't I assess him with a T (which would go against the bench, rather than the coach)?
Duane Galle
P.s. I'm a FIBA referee - so all my posts are metric

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