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Old Sun Dec 02, 2001, 06:12am
Jurassic Referee Jurassic Referee is offline
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Originally posted by Mark Padgett
Today we had our local rec league kick-off jamboree. Because of the Oregon-Oregon State football game, we were pretty short of officials and I was assigned a 6 hour shift of 7th and 8th grade boys games. Each game is 25 minute running clock and they start each half hour so I knew I would have no breaks. I barely had time to gulp some water between games. Oh yeah, there were no timeouts in the games, either.

Before I went to the gym, I weighed myself, just because I was curious how much weight I would lose doing this. When I came home this evening, I found I had lost 9 pounds.

I then ate two chicken rice bowls.

Mark,12 consecutive games in 6 hours and you lost 9 pounds?If that had of been me,they would have lost a whole official.The only way that I would eaten chicken rice would have been intravenously.Sure gotta hand it to you for dedication!Btw,OUvsOSU was a helluva game.
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