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Old Tue Jan 17, 2006, 03:17pm
mcrowder mcrowder is offline
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If the warmup area is withing our jurisdiction (within the "confines"), I agree with you.

The problem arises when it's not "within the confines" and you try to assert your authority. Granted - MOST of the time, "Coach, the warmup catcher doesn't have a mask on", is simply going to get a mask on that catcher.

But there WILL be that time when the coach (or DD's brother, or whoever), for whatever reason (stupid, lack of equipment, simple beligerence, perhaps his impression of you as an OOO (warranted or not)), refuses to do anything about it. If you have no authority, you've just opened up a confrontation for which you have no basis or standing - which can be a can of worms.
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