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Old Tue Jan 17, 2006, 07:47am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
Originally posted by Andy
This came up in our HS rules meeting tonight. NFHS rules.

Define the "confines" of the field.

Specifically regarding rule 1-7-3. Any non-adult warming up a pitcher at any location within the confines of the field shall wear an approved catcher's helmet/mask combination.

Casebook play 10.1.2 addresses this situation both within the confines and out of the confines of the field. If the umpire observes a non-adult warming up a pitcher within the confines of the field, the umpire is to require the non-adult to wear the required equipment. If it is outside the confines, the umpire may inform the coach.

Casebook play 1.7.3 also addresses this situation by saying that players and team personel are not to be outside of the confines of the field.

My interpretation would be that the confines of the field are any area that I can see while standing on the field itself.

Any other thoughts?
And, if outside the fences, what if the "non-adult" warming up a pitcher is that girl's 17yo brother or anyone not associated with the team?
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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