Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
I do not know about most technical fouls, but I have on situation that sticks out for me:
A number of years ago in the Regionals of the Ohio Games (Olympics style state games) in a boys 16U game: Team A is getting their clocks cleaned when A1 steals the ball. A2 runs down the court ahead of him and (I am not lying) gets down on his hands and knees and lets A1 jump off his back and then A1 dunks the ball. I immediately whistled the ball dead and T'ed A1 and A2 for violating NFHS R10-S3-A8e, and I T'ed A1 for violating NFHS R10-S3-A5. The second T on A1 was for dunking a dead ball and the false multiple T's were for climbing or or lifting a teammate to secure a greater height. Three T's for the price of one, it does not get any better than that.
Whoa. A "is getting their clocks cleaned" and you stop the
game for 6 FT's for B for this? If this is *my* game I'm
gonna stop it to get their autograph on the game ball.
Mark, maybe you need to work on finding the joy in life.