Originally posted by Hawks Coach
Also, I know this is sometimes more controversial, but if A1 is driving with clear line to basket and B1 is on them but to the side, I would expect no 5 second count
If A1 is head and shoulders past B1 there is no count.
I would expect no 5 second count (even if drive started 4 seconds into a 5 count on a dribbling A1). Not all agree I know, just my perspective on the intent of the rule. [/QUOTE]
The second part to this is that A1 has begun a move to the basket.
I know this is a different situation, but if a player is in the paint and begins to move to the basket at 2.5sec, there is no 3sec call even though they technically may have been in the lane for more than 3sec. (Rule 9-7: Allowance shall be made for a player who, having been in the restricted area for less than three seconds, dribbles in or moves to try for goal.). Would this apply in principle to a 5sec count on a guard who begins his/her move to the basket from the top of the key? I think not, but that is just my perspective on the intent of the rule.