Rut, during your absence you should have invested in reading lessons. Tee proferred the idea that the antics of this board may be related to the demise of McGriffs. He asked what others thought and I wrote that the antics we see now are little different than what was witnessed three years ago. Even at the inception of this board there were still slings and arrows. The written word is blunter than a fist but that is all we have sometimes.
You failed to see that I wrote your involvement was in many of the fracases three years ago. You have been involved in a few recently (the race related ones, HS mask, etc.) but not like the way you wre scratching and clawing three years ago. To some extent that is because I have refrained from targeting you. Others get your goat and you seem to prefer antagonizing them. That suits me just fine.
I realize that football season is over and basketball is winding into the home stretch. In two months, you'll be putting on the mask and pads for baseball. Try to relax enough to see that I wasn't baiting you as much as pointing out that you were involved much more back then.
"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers.
You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions.
~Naguib Mahfouz