YOU should know
I am a big man and I sweat in cold weather too. If I have a doubleheader I remove everything above the belt and put on a 2nd set of gear for the plate or bases. If my outer t-shirt is moist, everything is headed towards the washing machine. Below the belt is my business.
Temps 50-60, I wear a short sleeve cotton shirt. A WV gold and a long sleeve cotton shirt. Then I put on my shirt uniform. The WV is all I need to keep warm and the long sleeves keep my arms warm on a windy day. I might add a windbreaker.
Temps 60-70, I lose the long sleeves and enjoy the plate or add the sleeves to work the bases.
Temps below 50, I WEAR the windbreaker.
Temps below 40, I DO suggest to the coaches that if we need to finish another day, I will be available for FREE. If not, I begin looking for gloves and a scarf.
Now that you read this drivel, I would like to ask, how do you neutralize your CP after a warm one, and do you have more than one plate coat/jacket to cover the rest of the week?