Originally posted by BigUmp56
Obviously you didn't get an e-mail from Bob Jenkins or you didn't understand what he was saying in it.
Bob you need to level the playing field if you're going to allow this child to make these comments. I don't think it's right for you to send me e-mails asking me to not respond to this jerk if you're going to allow these type of post's from him. You assured me yesterday that you had sent him an e-mail asking him to stop this BS. Please let me know how many of these nonsensical post's from this child I have to endure before I am allowed to defend myself or how how many of his post's need to be deleted before further action is warranted.
I did send him an email -- and you need to give me time to read and respond to his posts of this nature. As hard as it might be to believe, I don't monitor this board 24x7.