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Old Sat Jan 14, 2006, 09:40am
ThickSkin ThickSkin is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 182
No offense taken. I agree with you. I used to take my books to all games I worked but recently I have not. Don't know why... just lazy. It was just a situation that I got myself in to and I knew I was going to have a hard time sleeping so I wanted to get an opinion or two before going to bed.

What could I have done differently? Wait to assess the Technical on B1? Does it matter when you report it i.e. B1 hold... the table tells me that's 5. I tell the coach, "coach that is 5." Now she is bench personnel. I report the T to the table now is that indirect? It seems like I would just be looking for trouble. I don't know either way... Lesson learned one way or the other.

[B]Things turn out best for those that make the best out of the way things turn out - John Wooden[B]
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