Originally posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
Originally posted by Metrodom
I wear my wedding ring when I officiate. Haven't taken my ring off since I have been married (9 years). I know a couple of officials that have taken theirs off before a game and lost it before they got home.
Read the NFHS Officials Manual and the NCAA CCA Manuals:
NFHS: A wedding ring is the only piece of jewelery that can be worn.
NCAA: No jewelery can be worn.
Until the late 90's the NCAA did allow wedding rings, but not now.
Having given what the manuals say, I don't know of an evaluator who would care one iota if an official was wearing a wedding ring.
MTD, Sr.
A guy in my association told me once that an evaluator at the state tournament told him to take his off.
And as far as the NCAA, I saw Ed Hightower wearing his during a game just last week. I guess it doesn't go for all NCAA officials...