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Old Fri Jan 13, 2006, 09:48am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by Rita C
Originally posted by blindzebra
The coach is right, 1-13-3:

ART. 3 . . . The bench area shall be the area inside an imaginary rectangle formed by the boundaries of the sideline (including the bench), end line, and an imaginary line extended from the free-throw lane line nearest the bench area meeting an imaginary line extended from the coaching-box line.

So unless they were in the paint, their huddle was okay.
They were outside that box. They were nearly in front of the scorer's table and way out on the floor.

Depending on the gym, the coaching box (28' from the endline) can extend to "nearly in front of the scorer's table." And, in an earlier post, you indicated the team was "out 15 feet out on the floor." The nearer lane line is 22' from the sideline.

The "time out box" goes from the end-line to the end of the coaching box (28'), and from the bench to the FT line.

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