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Old Thu Jan 12, 2006, 06:00pm
JJ JJ is offline
Veteran College Umpire
Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: IN
Posts: 1,122
Hmmm...I am guilty of saying, "Batter's out!". I'll do it when there's a runner on first, less than two out, and the batter takes off after an uncaught third strike. It simplifies things. I think we had this addressed in a thread a few months ago. No need to say it when it's obvious (a caught routine fly ball or ground out that's a no-brainer, etc.).
As for the Eddings fiasco...I don't do the closed fist hammer thing until the batter IS out. Of course, I do point the strike. And I DON'T use any kind of a "safe" signal (the arms outstretched kind of signal) on an uncaught third strike.

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