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Old Thu Jan 12, 2006, 09:12am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by SamIAm

It is not unusual in the rec league, however this is a very small private highschool that quite honestly doesn't have the means to fix it. As a general rule, In rec league games, I ignore problems with illegal numbers if the shirts are supplied by the league or if the league is 10/u or lower.

Here is how I handled the issue last night. We shot a T for #7 starter to begin the game. #8 sub entered the game in the 4th qtr with the score 71-20, and I ignored the illegal number at that point.
The coach should explain the situation to the referees and to the opposing coach before the game and get the agreement that, for this game, the numbers are legal. Assuming 71-20 is something of a typical score, most opposing coaches would agree.
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