Originally posted by donfowler
Don't know how you could award points. It may be the right thing to do, but what rule could you use as backup and reasoning?
I cited the rule in my post. I'm not sure if it would be feasible or not. It is specifically allowed under NF football rules. The referee can award a TD in cases where a runner is interferred with by a non-player. While it's not specifically addressed in basketball, I wouldn't be too quick to discount the possibility.
If I'm not crediting A with the basket, then I'm
definitely going to have a T.
Originally posted by Dave Brost
I think Don is right. You cannot award points because you thought the player would probably make the shot. You also cannot penalize a team for a fan you think is cheering for them. As much as coach might disagree, you have to go with ball to team A, and make sure the fan is removed.
I can most definitely assess a T for the fan coming onto the floor and interferring with the play.
Penalize unsporting conduct by any player, coach, substitute, team attendant or
NOTE: The home management or game committee is responsible for spectator behavior, insofar as it can reasonably be expected to control the spectators. The officials may call fouls on either team if its supporters act in such a way as to interfere with the proper conduct of the game. Discretion must be used in calling such fouls, however, lest a team be unjustly penalized.
So I'll officially change my answer. Don't credit the basket but we definitely have a T.