Originally posted by OverAndBack
He might kill someone? I mean, Vick (actually both Vicks) seem to be somewhat social miscreants, but killers?
Unless you mean accidentally, a Leonard Little situation.
The NFL has long looked the other way on talented players who are troubled - as long as they remain talented. The instant Randy Moss can no longer do the job, his team will suddenly discover that he's a bad guy.
And I don't know for sure, but where does Marcus Vick fit in the NFL? You want a guy this unbalanced at quarterback for you? You need to be able to lead as a quarterback - I don't know that you can do that when guys can't respect you.
What does it matter if it is "accidentally?" Somebody still dies because of his stupidty or wrong actions. I do agree he isn't a great fit for an NFL team but one team will risk a few dollars to see if he can help them.