8th grade boys. Game tied much of the time. 5 seconds left, three point difference, home team trailing.
White takes ball out in red's front court. The throwin goes out of bounds. Ball is administered to red. Throw-in is knocked out of bounds by red at baseline.
Four seconds left. White takes ball out at baseline. Many year experience partner administers the ball. White takes ball, throws to white on other side of baseline, out of bounds who throws the ball in! Partner does not blow whistle!
Now I am new enough to be unsure when the senior official doesn't blow his whistle on something that seems obvious to me. I asked him about it afterwards. He was sure it was legal. I looked it up when I got home and called him. He had realized in the meantime that he blew it.
I know that isn't a correctable error by rule but it could easily have been corrected. Would you?