Originally posted by JRutledge
Originally posted by zebraman
I have understood that since I started officiating Rut.
What you don't understand is that teaching and discussion can take place and be much more effective without acting like a jerk. Your message usually gets lost because you are so caustic.
Here is the thing. It is only internet officials like you that call me a jerk. I actually teach, mentor and work with officials all the time in real life and in person. There are very few people that I do not get along with. It is usually fellow officials that have given me opportunities by talking to assignors for me, calling a coach for a recommendation on my behalf or asked me to come along with them to work a very big game when they could have asked 1000 other people.
Obviously whatever I say to here you take it personally. You have spent about 10 posts in the past week just to focus on something I said. You are not the best official I have ever seen. You are just another person on this board that is talking basketball. For all I know you would never be considered an elite official where I live. Hell, you get mad when people make a reference to wearing belted pants, something you hardly ever see by any varsity or college official.
First of all, I couldn't give a rats patootie about what happens in your social reffing life outside of here. I don't work games in your area. I only deal with you on this board. So how well you get along with all your cronies is completely irrelevant to anyone who is here regularly. The experiences you have there have the potential to be helpful here, but they aren't because you go off on these long rambles that nobody understands and you turn a lot of posts into pissing contests. As much as you blow yourself on here, you must be pretty insecure about your ability.
Second of all, I don't own a pair of belted pants. I haven't since about my third year of officiating. However, I think it's REALLY ignorant to look at any official and draw any conclusions about their ability based on whether or not they wear belted pants. As long as they look neat and clean, it's irrelevant. One of the officials that worked a 4A boys semi-final here in Washington (and worked the girls 3A state final the year prior) wears belted pants. He also does college ball. Oh my goodness.