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Old Tue Nov 27, 2001, 02:18pm
Mark Dexter Mark Dexter is offline
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Originally posted by Camron Rust
To add to all the correct replies above....

Consider if instead of A2, it had been B2 that caught/touched the ball while OOB. Would the violation be on the thrower or the player who touches the ball while OOB? If it is a violation on the thrower, I, as a defender would try my best to get a foot OOB and touch the ball. Of course, this is not the case. It is a violation on B2. A's ball at that spot. Since there is no distinction between offense and defense on OOB violations, it must, in the original scenario, be a violation on A2 and the spot is where A2 touches it.
In your case, I would say it is a violation on B2. 7-2-2 states if B2 is OOB, "Such player causes it [the ball] to go out."

I could definately see the case for a violation on A1 - he failed to get the ball in-bounds. However, if B2 intentionally goes OOB, that could be a technical foul for leaving the court.

Any other thoughts?
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