Thread: NF play.
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Old Tue Jan 03, 2006, 03:49pm
phreaqhopp phreaqhopp is offline
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Re: Re: Advising the R??

Originally posted by Bob M.
Originally posted by phreaqhopp
Does the captain of team R really need to "advise" the Ref that he wishes to put the ball in play by "snap"? A free kick could be attempted and also be put into play by snap simultaneously. The Drop Kick.
REPLY: Not exactly sure what you're saying phreaqhopp, but a free kick and a snap are mutually exclusive. A drop kick following a snap is not a free kick, but rather a scrimmage kick.
I think your question and what you are not sure of should be directed to the original poster. I used the term "free kick" in a field goal attempt as did the post I was questioning.
So then lets change the terms and on both posts, again for consistency, to "scrimmage kick". Now re read them.
Ok my question is this. The poster used the term "advise" as in to tell the ref his intentions as to weather he was going to put the ball into play "by snap" or, now since we changed the terms "scrimmage kick". ?1. Does the team need to notify the ref of such a decision (Y/N) and ?2. Then how would you notify the ref of a drop kick? A drop kick is a "scrimmage kick" which is put into play via a "snap"

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