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Old Tue Jan 03, 2006, 01:55am
GarthB GarthB is offline
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My bad. I can't begin to express my disappointment. I was beginning to believe your resume.

You read no better than Petey. I'll type slowly.

Simply put, when I'm taking the field and my partner says "assistant coaches don't exist" I know what he is talking about. "What ifs" don't need to be discussed.

Apparently you need a fargin diagram.

When a D=1 clinician said: The first pitch of every game is a strike, I didn't need to ask "what if it takes dirt?" Apparently you would have.

As far as my previous example go, yes, by God you got it, I was grosssly making fun of the the idiotic stance of Petey. Good catch.

I wasn't giving Petey grief for any particular what if, I was giving him grief for asking ANY what if. My God, why was that necessary? When I hear a partner say either of the two remarks above, I just go out and work the game. I do what is called for in that game. I don't need a freaking survey completed to figure out how to do the game.

Do I need to make that any clearer?

And I had figured you for one who knew what ifs weren't necessary. I had you figured for one who knew how and when to be practical. I had you figured for one who really understood Tee's post. Silly me.

Tee was right, this is a WOBW. I had begun to think more of you. You've fixed that problem.

Go ahead, take the last word and once again read something into my post that isn't there. You can claim anything you want, I won't correct you or continue with this nonsense any further.

Good grief.

[Edited by GarthB on Jan 3rd, 2006 at 02:17 AM]
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