Mon Jan 02, 2006, 03:28pm
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: Greater Birmingham, Alabama
Posts: 611
Re: Re: Hmmm,
Originally posted by GarthB
Originally posted by Tim C
Anything I would add to this thread would simply duplicate what has already been said.
So let's look at a bigger picture:
I worked D1 Basketball for 17 seasons. We were taught "assistant coaches don't exist." We were told, in no uncertain terms, to make sure they understood thier position.
I worked D1 baseball for 20 years. In the four geographic areas I worked the consistent message from the Assigining Secretary was "assistant coaches don't exist."
The local culture were I work the assigner teaches every year, "assistant coaches don't exist."
The infrastructure of both the local college group and Federation High School group includes official training that "assistant coaches do not exist."
We have course have our share of "Glad Hand Johnnies" (WWTB and Pete will both admit, I am sure, that these guys that hang around after a game looking for a "Good Job" from the head rat)are a waste of umpire flem, but to be fair and accurate, we have a "shifting scale" as to how serious "assistant coaches don't exist" is taken to the field.
Anyone that is a member of the paid side of this site knows that I wrote a column about (somewhat like WWTZ's example) the day I took a deflected fast ball off my left wrist. The article includes some pretty telling things when I DID talk with assistant coaches during the injury.
I teach umpiring in "Black and White" . . . I perfom my umpiring in "Black and White" . . . I post here in "Black and White."
When a topic like this hits the air waves it is a good experience for the "unwashed" new umpires to see that there may be two ways to look at the issue.
I no longer take things AS personal as I once did.
Nothing in umpiring is THAT important.
The troubling thing that I have discovered, since the collaspe of McGriff, is that the culture has changed on this board. The bigggest change: as people take sides on an issue the lines that are drawn become much more personal and those lines are drawn much more quickly.
Pete's name calling has fallen on deaf ears . . . I will treat assistants as I always have AND I will follow the "wants" of my local group and train umpires with the same philosophy.
Actually in the "big picture" Doug Flutie's drop kick extra point is much more significant than this thread.
This whole post is basically a WOBW.
[Edited by Tim C on Jan 2nd, 2006 at 10:54 AM]
But, Tee, what if the civil defense alarms were going off and the Fiji, who had just delcared war on us, air force was flinging nuclear weapon tipped missles at Portland and the assistant coach at first base had the only key to the bomb shelter and had all the known remaining food and water and wouldn't let anybody in unless they talked to him first. How about then, huh? Huh, wise guy, I bet you'd talk to him then.
This rates as one of the funniest things
I've ever read! How appropriate. TY, Garth.
All generalizations are bad. - R.H. Grenier