As many of you know I switched over from officiating to coaching this year. This past week we had a game at a much larger school. I coach at the JV level. Guess who I see officiating? The athletic trainer/teacher at this particular school. I knew him well from my officiating days. There was no coachs box marked on the floor, yet he continued to tell me to get back into the box. He did everything he possibly could to try to provoke me. At half time I went to him with tape and ask him if he would like to put it down or should I. He responded with go ahead. Just before the second half started he ripped up the tape and attempted to put down new...that was before it got wrapped around his foot and he nearly fell. The crowd loved that. During the game he turned to one of our fans and told him to "shut-up." I didnt argue one call all night but he continued to harrass me. My team won by 10 pts. I was very displeased with him so I approached the AD after the game. He informed me that this official works all of their games. I asked, is this not a conflict of interest. He replied with you worry about your school and I'll worry about mine.
I'm sure our reginal assigner would not allow an official to call games at the school in which he/she works. I feel very strongly that this AD is paying the guy on the side and not calling in his games. He is getting off with a cheaper officating bill and some HOMECOOKING. How do you guys feel about this???
[Edited by Nate1224hoops on Jan 2nd, 2006 at 09:07 AM]