Thread: Pre-Game Dunk
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Old Sun Jan 01, 2006, 09:52pm
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
Do you ever take the spirit of the rules into account?
Sure do.....and the spirit of the rules say that you can dunk a ball without the ball touching the rim. Seen it myself.
No, the LETTER of the rules states that. The spirit of the no dunking rule is that we are being asked to protect equipment and eliminate any possible taunting. What is the purpose of whacking a kid who skies above the rim and throws it into the hoop without touching the ring? [/B]
Lemme ask you this then.....

You're the assignor, or the guy from your association who has to receive all the complaints from the schools in your area. You get a written complaint in from a JV coach, also signed by his AD- copy to the league convenor, that an opposing player dunked the ball during pre-game warm-up or half-time. They said that an official definitely saw the dunk, called the player over and talked to him and also went and talked to his coach...but no technical foul was ever called. They stated in the letter that they had witnesses and a video of it also. They wanna know why that rule wasn't enforced because they had received a "T" for a pre-game dunk earlier in the season.

What's your reply, Rich? Or anyone?

Give me a good one, please. Hopefully I can use it in the future because I've had to answer letters similar to that in the past. [/B][/QUOTE]

If the kid grabs the rim, I'll make the call. But a gentle throwdown of the ball isn't a taunt and is no danger to the equipment.

This happened to me last season. I just said, "That was no dunk" and walked away. Coach got me at the table when I was looking at the book and wanted to argue the book meaning of the word dunk. I walked away again. I have no association that assigns games -- I get my own games from schools and leagues and they are free not to use me again. But I did end up whacking the guy during the game and I sent a report to the state and they told me I probably should've whacked the COACH pregame when he decided he didn't like my walking away and he tossed a rulebook in my direction.

I assign a 44-team league (baseball) and get calls from people all the time. I got pictures this past season of a slide rule call the one team didn't agree with. I back my officials as long as they aren't being dishonest. We're paid to make judgment calls all the time.

A JV coach sends a letter about a pregame dunk? Pardon my lack of political correctness, but who freaking cares?

[Edited by Rich Fronheiser on Jan 1st, 2006 at 09:56 PM]
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