In a recent jr high game a kid tried to dunk at half time. It was a blow out game, both coaches were very laid back, and no one from the stands reacted when he did it. I was sitting on bottom row of bleachers across court from the table and called him over and asked him to sit down next to me. I then told him that what he just did was a tecnical foul and from the reaction on his face could tell he had never heard it before (or he should get an Emmy). I explained the rule and he promised not to do it again. As the game was about to be restarted his coach subtly thank me and I noticed his big starter sitting on the bench for the first few minutes of second half.
I know some will say I should have stuck him so he would not forget. Some will say let it go because it had no impact. I chose to let it go with a warning and in same situation would handle it same way again.