Originally posted by Ref Daddy
I know i firmed my opinion on this early THIS year.
Had a Girls JV game. Passive team and Aggressive team. Foul count was 8 - 1 at half time. Coach was making verbal comments about the "imbalance". Partner and I discussed at half but agreed - we are calling what we saw.
At half time the Passive team must have gotten lit up by their coach. Second half they were a totally diferent team. Foul count by end of game was 9 - 2 the other way. Total reversal even the coach's comments.
Focusing on consistency is the key.
The foul count is on the score board to account for progress towards bonus free throws - not to be viewed as playing favorites in your calls.
I had a game last night in which the favored team had been surprisingly passive (in the face of extra strong defense from the underdog), then came out for bear in the 2nd half. We (2) had 8 to 1 in fouls 4 minutes into the half. The fouling team got the bulk of the rebounds & the bulk of the loose balls, got their break going, and pulled away to win. Their coach didn't say a word about the fouls. He had a plan.
As for a partner wanting to 'even up' the fouls, you say "I think we're calling a good game - let's keep it up."